Welcome to the official website of France USA International Film Festival.
Visit FilmFreeway.com to SUBMIT!
Our festival takes place yearly in November around the time of the American Film Market in North Hollywood, California, and starting in 2025, it will take place also in France. We are engaging with members of several Official French Bureaus and look forward to their participation!
We are proud to help build another cultural bridge between America and France as well as other English speaking and French speaking countries.
We are enthusiastic curators of great work by upcoming or already established filmmakers and actors. Our team brings the added benefit of a cohesive supportive circle. We act as a resource for these filmmakers as we bring them together with Distribution partners. Agents and Buyers anticipate our selections for their consideration. Our festival is a celebration of access, positive exposure, and success. And, of course, we look forward to even more success to come!
All films, including documentaries and educational materials, are accepted. All scripts. We look forward to the rare pearls to show off to Literary agents such as APA.
The festival provides a truly international platform for all filmmakers reaching beyond language barriers across the globe to share understanding, work, vision and solutions. For those screening in America, we will need English Subtitles. All digital formats are accepted at high resolution. For those screening in France, starting 2025, we will need French Subtitles and DCP format.
We look forward to your submittals! Also, please join us at our festival where we create and promote an environment of mutual admiration and respect, with the aim of propelling us toward a more understanding, humane, and harmonious world!
Every great thing starts with an idea. The idea and dream for our film festival was born through many discussions and brainstorming sessions among French American and Francophile American persons, in the film industry, and many other people committed to the special French-American relationship. Through these discussions and subsequent planning sessions we agreed there was a need to emphasize, nurture, and celebrate the great bond and common cultural heritage between France and America.
Because film is one of the greatest ways to express the language of the heart and to emphasize the universal principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity; we decided a very effective way to focus on this French-American bond would be to manifest an annually recurring France USA International Film Festival!
As everyone knows, France has always held a special place in America’s heart. France was America’s first ally in its war of independence from Great Britain. The amazing Statue of Liberty, a generous gift from France, is arguably the greatest symbol of Freedom in America. French culture has had an enormous impact in America in numerous areas – government, philosophy, fashion, food, architecture, diplomacy, romance, and countless others.
Likewise, America holds a special place in French hearts, especially after coming to France’s aid in World War II and remaining one of her staunchest allies ever since. Our societies are based on similar principles and philosophical foundations.
In appreciation and celebration of our mutual admiration, the France USA International Film Festival places an emphasis on films from America and France and the French speaking world.
We see films as a vehicle for the vision that shows the way for global justice, education, and universal love. Films are the storytellers of past, present, and future. A way to promote and share the language of the heart, be it French, English or any language.
We seek to celebrate storytelling along with the storytellers themselves, creating a context for networking opportunities. Our film festival provides a platform for filmmakers and recognizes their excellence. We curate the best works for potential collaboration and distribution. And we do this all while creating a palpable atmosphere of mutual respect, affection, and yes, LOVE!
The 2024 Film Festival and Award Ceremony
Saturday, November 16, 2024
Sunday, November 17, 2024
Monday, November 18, 2024 MIXER
Awards and Certificates / Honorable mentions
will be given to the winning Films, Actors, Actresses, Screenplay,
and other categories to be announced - see https://filmfreeway.com/FranceUSAINTFilmFestival.
Festival Principals
Caroline Marechal
Vice President Public Relations
Also with French In Motion (with Villa Albertine, The Gotham, CNC, Unifrance)
Richard Murphy
Ex HR Manager (Water & Power), World Humanitarian Volunteer, Writer, Actor and Producer. Helped conceptualize the Festival.
Dana Drasser
Current beauty influencer, world traveler and Actress. Is our Festival Producer Director In USA and France.
Vérane Jackie Deschamps
Ex community organizer mentor, Union affiliated Talent manager LA-NY Director Producer and Festival Producer.
Gerry Gershman
Chairman, CEO, World International Network. Film Distribution, FRANCE USA.
Michael Nieves
East Coast Community Organizer.
With Influencers: Sienna Heath, Ana Boyer, Jonalee Nieves, Abe
Our Youth Committee
Ashton Sanderson, Actor.
Tyler Connor, Actor.
Maria Zepeda, Actress, Published Author, Singer and Influencer.
Our France Team
Claude Deschamps, Post Management and Public relations EDF GDF
Dennis Pothier, Management Palais des Festivals, Cannes France
Arnold Deschamps, Management Hermes, France
Our Podcast Partners & Red Carpet Team
Maria Zepeda & Sar Bear, (SOAK IT UP)
Shawn Lydell, (DYNISTY HOUR)
Miguel Rodriguez, (WASP NEST)
Festival Consultants
Jeff Clinckenbeard, SATO 48 Film Festival
Kyaw Tha Hla, SATO 48 Film Festival
CB Liffer & Francis Jay, Los Angeles Crime and Horror Film Festival, Hollywood International Diversity Film Festival
Stephen Sorrentino, Washington DC Film Festival
Our Tech Team and Art Team:
Emek Echo, Paul Rice, Natasha Drasser, Blake Alec Miranda, SarBear
Special thanks in advance to:
French In Motion, Hollywood
The Aster Social Club, Hollywood
Mr Raffaelli, Directeur du Cinema des Arcades et Cineum a Cannes, France
Villa Albertine
Cultural Services French Embassy
Ministre de la Culture Francaise Rashida Dati
Active Actors
We’re registered at https://filmfreeway.com/FranceUSAINTFilmFestival
Tickets available https://filmfreeway.com/FranceUSAINTFilmFestival/tickets.
… and we’re so excited to celebrate with you!
Click to see Our Selections and Awards 2023
Notre festival a lieu chaque année en novembre, à l'époque de l'American Film Market à North Hollywood, en Californie, et à partir de 2025, il aura également lieu en France. Nous dialoguons avec les membres de plusieurs Bureaux Officiels Français et attendons avec impatience leur participation !
Nous sommes fiers de contribuer à construire un autre pont culturel entre l’Amérique et la France ainsi qu’avec d’autres pays anglophones et francophones.
Nous sommes des curateurs enthousiastes d’excellents travaux de cinéastes et d’acteurs émergents ou déjà établis. Notre équipe apporte l’avantage supplémentaire d’un cercle de soutien cohérent. Nous agissons comme une ressource pour ces cinéastes en les mettant en relation avec des partenaires de distribution. Agents pour acteurs et agents de distribution attendent nos sélections pour leur considération. Notre festival est une célébration de l’accès, de l’exposition positive et du succès. Et bien sûr, nous espérons encore plus de succès à venir !
Tous les films, y compris les documentaires et le matériel pédagogique, sont acceptés. Tous les scripts. Nous attendons avec impatience les perles rares à montrer aux agents littéraires tels que APA.
Le festival offre une plate-forme véritablement internationale à tous les cinéastes du monde entier, dépassant les barrières linguistiques pour partager leur compréhension, leur travail, leur vision et leurs solutions. Pour ceux projetés en Amérique, nous aurons besoin de sous-titres anglais. Tous les formats numériques sont acceptés en haute résolution. Pour ceux projetés en France, à partir de 2025, nous aurons besoin de sous-titres français et du format DCP.
Nous attendons avec impatience vos propositions ! Rejoignez-nous également à notre festival où nous créons et promouvons un environnement d’admiration et de respect mutuels, dans le but de nous propulser vers un monde plus compréhensif, humain et harmonieux !
Festival du Film 2024 et Remise des Prix
Samedi 16 Novembre, 2024 à 18:00 hr
Dimanche 17 Novembre, 2024 à 18:00 hr
After Party Celebration
Réception immédiatement après la cérémonie
… et nous sommes ravis de célébrer avec vous !

Submit your work, express your voice, sponsor French American cultural business and friendships !

Festival Director
Dana Drasser